July is Maternal and Child Health Month
Maternal and child health is one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus. During the month of July, we recognize the significance of healthy mothers and children to our communities. Strong, healthy, and empowered women and children are necessary for the economic and cultural advancement of communities and for fostering peace. Rotary has put in millions of dollars and a lot of time to make healthcare accessible to women and children worldwide. Below are just a few examples of Rotary’s commitment:
End Polio Now Campaign: In 1985, Rotary pledged to eradicate polio, which for centuries had killed and crippled children all over the world. Since then, Rotarians have donated millions of dollars to make polio vaccines available worldwide. Rotarians and their associates have administered polio vaccines in numerous countries. Presently, polio is endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan only. Rotary along with its partners has immunized over 2.5 billion children in 122 countries against polio.
Reducing Obstetric Complications: Rotary has embarked on a five-year project, costing three million US dollars to save the lives of mothers and children during home deliveries in Nigeria.
Mobile Pre-natal Clinics: Rotary has donated a medical jeep to midwives in Haiti so that pregnant women in the most remote parts of the country can have access to pre-natal screening and counseling.
VOSH: The annual VOSH mission in Dominica allows for children and mothers to be examined by optometrists. Participants receive affordable spectacles if needed. The attainment of spectacles improves the ability of children with poor eyesight to study and learn tremendously.
If you are interested in learning more about Rotary’s work to enhance maternal and child health or in assisting us, visit www.rotary.org