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What are the benefits?

Rotary membership provides the opportunity to:

  • Become connected to your community.
  • Work with others in addressing community needs.
  • Interact with other professionals in your community.
  • Assist with Rotary’s international humanitarian service efforts.
  • Establish contacts with an international network of professionals.
  • Develop leadership skills.
  • Involve family in promoting service efforts.

How can I become a member?

Membership qualifications are as follows:

  1. New Rotary members are proposed by existing club members.
  2. Proposals are reviewed by the Membership Committee and Board of Directors.
  3. Then published to club members.

Who is eligible for membership?

A proposed new member must be an adult who is:

  • A leading representative of a business or professional activity.
  • Willing to help and participate in projects that enhance the community.
  • Willing to work on projects that help people in developing countries.
  • Of good character and good reputation in his or her business, profession or community.

What’s expected of me?

As a club member, you will be asked to:

  • Pay club dues
  • Attend meetings and events
  • Use your professional skills and talents to make a difference

Rotaract and Interact clubs

If you’re between the ages of 12 and 30, you may be interested in joining one of our service clubs for young professionals and youth. Like Rotary clubs, Rotaract and Interact clubs give their members the chance to make friends, develop leadership skills, and create positive change. Learn more about our local Rotaract and Interact clubs.

Rotary Club of Dominica

Ready to make a difference?